Welcome to online training on Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy and key soft skills for workers in the digital age. This training focuses on developing the skills and competencies needed to function in a work environment where humans, robots and artificial intelligence coexist. Training contents are organised in four different modules:
Robotics and artificial intelligence literacy
The new working environments
Mastering soft skills for success in digitized work environments
A route towards the AI-bots incorporation
Each module begins with a short intro video, in which you will learn how the learning objectives of the module have been defined and what the educational content is.
Here are the first few steps to get started with the training:
Make familiar with the training interface
Go through the platform with the training to learn how to use all the features we have prepared for you.
Set goals
Think about what you want to work on and set your personal learning goals for this training.
Start the first module
Take a challenge and start learning from the first module of the BAI training.
Join our BAI Facebook profile and YouTube channel
Where you will find additional information, interesting content and news from the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. Use these profiles and share your experiences in the comments.
Make use of BAI's additional resources
Under the “Library” tab, you can access additional materials, from inspirational content to exercises that will help you explore the world of boots and artificial intelligence.
If you have any questions, or concerns or need support, don’t hesitate to ask. Write to us using the contact form under the “Contact” tab.
Ready to get started?
We wish you inspiring learning and great success!
The BAI team

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The projects results reflect the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.